samedi 8 juin 2024

Where can we know more about the author of this Blog other than here on Blogger - Ou peut-on me trouver ailleurs qu'ici sur Blogger

 Welcome to our world - Bienvenue

Hello World,

My name is Daniel.  You can find more about my writing on the newly launched (that is may 2023) english language space Satoshi.Yoga 

The above mentionned new space is a solution to minimize the language gap between the French Yoga site that is talked about here bellow: YogaPartout launched in 2008. The above mentionned english language ecosystem, Satoshi.Yoga is a simple copy/paste of the french site to a new domain name.  What I did afterward is translate it to English. Why an english site when the French one is difficult maintain?  Simple.  Just like poverty alleviation (see bellow for the official definition), I want to make sure my writings are read by more people.  

AND for those who are interrested in the Web 3.0 economy, see this page:



Bonjour à vous qui aspirez au bien-être par la voie du yoga

Pour les personnes qui ne me connaissent pas, je me présente.  Mon nom est Daniel.  Vous pouvez trouver ce que j'écris au sujet du yoga sur cette page:  ET, si vous préférez lire et écouter ou voir ce que je publie au sujet du Web 3.0: visitez cette page:

What is Poverty alleviation

Poverty alleviation aims to improve the quality of life for those people currently living in poverty. Another term that is often used is poverty reduction. These are all measures put in place to reduce the rate of poverty in the rural areas of the North West Region of Cameroon.






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